Healing through Yoga // Affordable Yoga & Fitness, Paris
I’m overhauling my life. This choice was not entirely voluntary and comes with a great deal of pain; yet I feel incredibly grateful to have to the opportunity I do right now to grow. Every day I am bombarded with new ideas and perspectives that challenge old beliefs and allow me to view the world, and myself, in a different way – to reflect and delve deeper into my being, if I only choose to allow myself to be open and vulnerable. To be a phoenix. And yes… this is often overwhelming.
Yoga is one of the “constants” I’m clinging to. The physical benefits seem minor compared to the inner peace and calm I feel during and after my practice – especially in a class setting, surrounded by other beautiful souls. I’ve noticed a remarkable difference since I started going 2-3 times per week… I highly recommend Affordable Yoga & Fitness here in Paris. The quality of classes and teachers is terrific, and it truly is affordable – just 6€ for 60 minute classes and 10€ for 90 minutes (and you can drop-in). I especially like Colleen’s classes, though I’ve enjoyed all of the teachers/classes I’ve attended! Their Studio Bleu location in the 9th is my favorite (since it’s a dance studio, the rooms are great – and air-conditioned – and they have nice changing/showering facilities).
Wherever you live, just try a class – even if you aren’t very flexible right now or you feel intimidated. For some free practice at home, I really like Yoga with Adriene – she is delightful. Some other favorites:
- Danielle Orner, my first close yogini friend, who boldly changed her life and provides daily inspiration for me (and countless others) to persevere
- Naturally Fit Living blog, by another beautiful and resilient friend
- Brahmaloka or Bust!, an online yoga magazine co-written by a favorite former teacher, Maya Devi Georg
- Colleen Saidman Yee, celebrity inspiration. I really like her interview with Marie Forleo (of MarieTV, another favorite)
And I leave you with this “Namaste,” shared by a very wise and dear guide, L. H.:
I honor the place in you where the entire universe dwells. I honor the place in you which is of love, beauty, peace, and light. When you are in that place in you and I am in that place in me, we are One.
Phoenix photo credit: https://wall.alphacoders.com/big.php?i=104284

Fitoru Keto
Nice read! This definitely gave me a more knowledge about yoga. Thanks a lot for posting!
Thank you! I appreciate your checking it out and am really glad you enjoyed it!